
All Politics are Personal....does that mean local?

With Election Day less than two weeks away, there still remains a large contingency of undecided voters. Many marketing channels are available to reach them, but what channel is going to be the most effective for candidates in terms of getting votes?

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Real-time feedback and real-time optimization. Campaign managers can not only launch video ad campaigns immediately, but they can also optimize ads in real-time. By taking into account video and banner click-through rates, the average viewing duration and cross-referencing those numbers with post-impression and post-click Web site activity (e.g. - donations), campaign managers can optimize each campaign to maximize effectiveness.

News spreads like wildfire with breaking news e-mails, blog posts, Twitter, social networking sites, and more. In most cases, it remains true that we have no power over how issues and candidates are presented in the news, but the power of online video advertising makes it possible for the candidates to speak one-on-one with the voters about issues that concern them.


Power Moms are Online

Our advertisers want to connect with woman, specifically moms, but why? Find out for yourself

Gen X and Gen Y moms use the internet differently than my mom does:

The top three activities of Gen Y moms are reading blogs, participating in an online community of moms, and creating and sharing their own video.

The top three online activities of Gen X moms are: using a photo site, rating and reviewing products, and shopping.

Gen Y moms are much more attached to media that connects them to other moms online - such as internet communities, blogs and video-sharing sites - suggesting they prefer to rely on peers rather than experts to help them parent, according to the study.

Moms who are members of Gen Y also are highly involved in creating their own content and show a preference for time-shifting behaviors, such as watching TV online...READ MORE
Have you told your advertisers that this is what women and moms are looking for online? Let's help educate our advertisers and continue to bring them ideas that offer them marketing solutions.

Back at it....comments?

Ok everyone,
So I don't think many of you read this however...there are always tons of new things with online that I need to update you on so I need you to try to rely on this blog to give you some of that information. We might even do fun quizzes and prizes that you can only win by answering here on

I had a semi arguement with my mother about the definition of news today...she says newspaper and TV that is news....If you haven't viewed the previous blog Web Terms in Plain English then you may not know what I'm talking about.

In the past, editors, programming managers (radio), directors (tv) they decided what was "news" worthy and pushed it out to the public...essentially saying "here this is what we think you should care about" (most of the time they were right). However, online is different...with blogs, podcasts, online video - users come to the web looking for information that they care about. An example: if I type a blog about online sales information....then I might only have 15 people read it....but to them this is information or news they care about....that is how we need to discuss the value of the web with our clients. It isn't content we gave them, it is information readers went looking for....

For more on the importance of blogs in the mainstream media read here (thanks to Joe R. at TheBAG for sharing).