
Newspapers + Online = Success for Your Clients

According to this article from the Newspaper Associations of America, "research shows newspapers + Internet = more consumer purchasing power; Ads that appear in both mediums reinforce consumer confidence in products and services

Put this in your media kits to give clients...there are some amazing stats in here to show your clients.
* 58% of newspaper readers respond to ads
* 52% of people said they would be more likely to purchase a product if they saw it on the web and then in the paper (reinforcing the strength of using multiple advertising mediums)
* 30% of Internet-using newspaper readers went online to research at least one product that they saw in the newspaper (on average, they researched nine).

1 comment:

M ad Frog said...


Ur sooo helpful! Thanx.

PS - OMG, Jason from Am. Idle is such a cutie!